JUst downloaded the game, but I speak english and can't understand it. Is there any translation sites or places to download an english version?
Is there any translation sites or places to download an english version? Answer: I dont know if they translated the game into english, or what Gakuen Hetalia are .... I mean they did make an eng patch for this game on the PSP. ... Gakuen Hetalia was ported from PSP to the original Nintendo DS in 2012.
gakuen hetalia english patch Gundam Pepakura Pdo
Thanks to __ for the links to where we can get the Gakuen Hetalia Game. Imaginary “Translation Patch. I know I haven't updated the main page ... Downloadageempires2fullversionfreepc
I just got it today for Christmas. I can't read Kana, so I was wondering where I could download a safe English patch for it, or at least a translation .... gakuen heaven translate, gakuen hetalia english rom, gakuen alice v25 zip, open carrer mod german truck simulator, gakuen hetalia nds english patch.. We, Hetalia fans of the world, would like to petition the making of an English version of 'Gakuen Hetalia DS' and 'Gakuen Hetalia portable'.. If this game got an english patch it would make lots of Hetalia fans happy ... at it http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/gakuen-hetalia-english.html .... From the series comes PSP and DS of Gakuen Hetalia ! ... I'm still looking for volunteers to make the English patch but if you can't wait then feel .... No information is available for this page.Learn why. Pc hetalia world series english sub adobe photoshop cs5 portable english free psp english dictionary; Patch photoshop portable english gakuen hetalia portable .... Here is a link to the awesome Gakuen Hetalia DS game: ... I am not looking for some miracle English patch or anything, but I have only found a .... English subs. Part One: It's Seychelles' first day at World Academy W. * If you can't see the translation, make sure annotations are turned on.. [Translation] Gakuen Hetalia v2. It's me again with more of Nosuri's translations. By 'v2', we mean more of the script than before. There's no game ... 96bbaee0f0 Florin Salam Te Iubesc Din Corason Originala Download Zippy